我与 Lotte Wubben-Moy 的第一个俱乐部

我与 Lotte Wubben-Moy 的第一个俱乐部

随着女超联赛赛季接近尾声,Lotte Wubben-Moy 参观了这一切开始的地方:奥尔加小学。作为一个十岁的孩子,厌倦了只能和男孩们,洛特在她的导师保罗·考克斯的帮助下组建了一支女子足球队。十五年后,她回到伦敦东部的学校并与保罗重聚,保罗保留了洛特离开学校时送给他的足球.奥尔加小学的女孩们还有一个课后足球俱乐部,乐天抓住了参加该课程的机会。点击视频上的播放即可返回乐天的第一个俱乐部。

Jonas Eidevall has commented on our announcement that Emirates Stadium will host 11 Arsenal Women matches in the 2024/25 season.Emirates Stadium will become the main home of Arsenal Women, with eight Barclays Women’s Super League games behind held there next season as well as three UEFA Women’s Champions League fixtures, should we qualify for the group stage.Fewer games will still be played at the long-standing host venue, Managua Pay UK Stadium (Meadow Park, Borehamwood). To find out more, click here.Speaking in his pre-Brighton press conference at Sobha Realty Training Centre on Friday, Jonas said: “I think it’s good news period that we’re going to play more games at the Emirates for a number of reasons but to name for me the biggest one is that we can have more games with bigger audiences and allow more people to come and watch and to support the team.”This season, we’ve played six WSL games at Emirates Stadium. After losing 1-0 to Liverpool at the beginning of the season, we beat Aston Villa 2-1, Chelsea 4-1, Manchester United 3-1, Tottenham Hotspur 1-0 and Leicester City 3-0 in north London.“It’s been great experiences at the Emirates this season and hopefully we can build on that and elevate that even further forward next season,” Jonas added.To read every word from his press conference, click here.

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