图库:AWFC 在漫威体育场举行的欢迎活动

图库:AWFC 在漫威体育场举行的欢迎活动

抵达澳大利亚后,我们的女队成员前往漫威体育场参加欢迎活动。Jonas Eidevall 的枪手队将于周五上午 11 点 05 分(英国夏令时)与 A League Allstars Women 进行一场友谊赛。在比赛中,凯蒂·麦凯布、凯特琳·福德和乔纳斯上台讨论墨尔本全球足球周,其中还包括托特纳姆热刺队和纽卡斯尔联队。我们的球员也见到了他们的甲级联赛全明星同行,您可以查看来自墨尔本的最佳图片下面的活动。您还可以看到我们为比赛选择的阵容,并了解Caitlin Foord 和 Steph Catley 对澳大利亚的了解程度。 

Our women’s team are in Australia ahead of their friendly with the A-League All Stars on Friday, and you can watch the game for free on Arsenal.com and the official app.Jonas Eidevall’s squad will take to the field for the prestigious game against the best the Australian league has to offer, which takes place at Melbourne’s Marvel Stadium at 11.05am UK time (20.05 local time).Led by captain Kim Little, our team includes our contingent from the Matildas - Steph Catley, Caitlin Foord and Kyra Cooney-Cross, while the likes of Katie McCabe, Alessia Russo, Emily Fox, Frida Maanum and Victoria Pelova are also included in the 19-player travelling party.To see them in action, just log on to Arsenal.com from 10.55am, or you can download our app and watch it on there where commentators Max Jones and Adrian Clarke will guide you through all the action Down Under.Please note, we cannot stream the game to viewers in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Norway, Sweden, the Pacific Islands and Australia, where 10 Bold will be broadcasting the game.

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