布伦丹·罗杰斯谈论最新的 100 页双冠王凯尔特人观点

布伦丹·罗杰斯谈论最新的 100 页双冠王凯尔特人观点

‘对于那些一直和我在一起的人,让我们享受这段旅程。对于那些我需要说服的人——我会在 5 月在这里见到你们。”这是布伦丹·罗杰斯在 2023 年 6 月正式担任凯尔特人队主帅的那天所说的话。言语中没有任何蔑视,只是诚实的表达爱尔兰人承认,他的连任并没有像 2016 年他第一次来到俱乐部时那样受到普遍欢迎。这也体现了他对自己能力的信心,并拥有令人印象深刻的简历来支持这一点并相信他是为凯尔特人公园交付更多奖杯的合适人选。快进到 2024 年 5 月,凯尔特人的支持者不止一次而是两次聚集在天堂外,庆祝以英超冠军和苏格兰杯冠军。布伦丹·罗杰斯的凯尔特人队已经获得了双冠王,主教练在他之前执教期间赢得的七座奖杯上又增加了两座奖杯。回顾本赛季的成功,他告诉媒体凯尔特人观点:“对于我的职业生涯来说,自从我成为一名教练以来,我生命中的每个赛季都是一个挑战。“我不是一个大牌球员,所以我从来没有受到过那样的保护,所以没有什么比这更重要的了。我的教练和职业生活对我来说都很轻松。

“所以从专业角度来看,我真的很高兴我们随着赛季的进行而成长,因为这才是重要的——进来,挑选一批球员并说服他们按照我们想要的方式工作,然后随着赛季的进行看到他们的发展和成长“最终以双冠王的成绩绝对是辉煌的,现在每个人都为自己的俱乐部感到自豪,这就是你一直想要的。“我在莱斯特城度过了一段非常愉快的时光 - 优秀的人们,很棒的人俱乐部,我们在那里创造了历史——但乔·哈特这么说,他是对的——凯尔特人是一种感觉,这就是我们想要回来的,从个人角度来看——我和我的家人,我们已经能够做到了自从我们回来后就有这种感觉。“所以,对我来说,我很幸运能够管理如此出色的俱乐部,我希望尽可能长时间地留在这里,并尽我所能带来尽可能多的成功。”

Brendan Rodgers enjoyed unprecedented success during his first spell as Celtic manager – back-to-back domestic Trebles, including the historic Invincible Treble season of 2016/17 – so he knows what it takes to win trophies. It is the Celtic Way.“Whatever the objectives are, you always have to win here,” he explained, “but Celtic’s always a club that’s synonymous with its style of football as well, so we always want to win in the best possible way that we can and, primarily, that’s what we set out to do.“The late goals and late wins are really a culmination of all the work the players have put in every single day, which is why they got their rewards at the end of the season.“But we also know as well, and it’s been mentioned many times – Big Billy talking about Celtic really being this fairy tale club and the numbers of late winners that we get at this club – it’s because of that mentality, that culture which is ingrained and also the support we get from the supporters in the stands. That’s what gives us the push and that ability to keep going.”For the full interview, see the latest issue of the Celtic ViewThe latest 100-page edition of the Celtic View celebrating the Double winners and the first-time title-winning Celtic FC Women is out now and is available to buy in official Celtic stores and you can also order online NOW!And the magazine is packed with exclusive interviews, stories and features as both Hoops teams finished the season in trophy-winning style.Brendan Rodgers speaks exclusively to the View as do 2023/24 trophy-winning heroes, Callum McGregor, Joe Hart, Matt O’Riley, Cameron Carter-Vickers, Greg Taylor and Adam Idah.Elena Sadiku looks back at a fantastic season for Celtic FC Women, and is joined by skipper, Kelly Clark, goal-scorer, Amy Gallacher and long-term Celt, Chloe Craig.And there’s plenty more in your 100-page Double-winning Celtic View including the chance to WIN the new Celtic home kit and it's also the perfect reading material to pick up at the Glasgow Airport Celtic Store if you're flying off on your hols.The latest edition of the 100-page Double-winning Celtic View is out NOW and is available to buy in all official Celtic retail stores or to order onlineORDER THE VIEW ONLINEOFFICIAL CELTIC STORES
