

2015 年 3 月 15 日,卡勒姆·麦格雷戈在该赛季的联赛杯决赛中以 2-0 击败邓迪联队,获得了他作为凯尔特人球员的第一枚成年奖牌。仅仅九年后的 2024 年 5 月 25 日,他回到了汉普顿台阶的顶端,领取了他的第 22 枚冠军奖牌——是的,那是 二十二 仅用了 9 年。 有一些俱乐部,更不用说球员了,他们会很乐意满足于一小部分人如今,他也以俱乐部队长的身份举起奖杯,当天苏格兰杯1-0战胜流浪者队的比赛也保持了队长的另一项个人纪录。他在汉普顿从未输过决赛——从来没有! – 在他在国家体育场赢得 13 场成年杯赛之前,四场 连续赢得苏格兰青年杯,在过去 14 年里,决赛次数达到 17 场。远非在屋顶上大喊大叫,不过,麦格雷戈倾向于将这一记录放在心上,而且有充分的理由。在俱乐部夺得第 42 届苏格兰杯冠军后,他在汉普顿球场说道:“我不希望任何人给我带来厄运,但随后人们会谈论这件事,然后你会想,“让他们再等一会儿吧。”


Among those 22 medals, there are no fewer than FIVE Trebles, the only player in world football to hold that distinction, and, after winning the league and cup Double this term, the skipper is already looking ahead to medal No.23 and beyond.He said: “Once we come back for pre-season, the remit will be to try and get three more.“So that’s where we are, that’s what the club demands. It’s in the DNA of the club now and let’s see if we can go and get more next season.”His quintuple Treble started when Brendan Rodgers first arrived at the club, and McGregor is delighted that the Irishman has returned to spark this season’s Double win.The 31-year-old said: “In his previous time here we struck up a great connection, and there’s a good bit of trust there in terms of player-manager bond.“It’s brilliant to see him back at the club. We knew we had a lot of hard work to do. We came off the back of a really successful season, and, at Celtic, the next season you have to be equally as successful, and it was great having that reunion.“And he’s instilled that in this group as well. There’s been a siege mentality at times and in sport that’s really powerful.”For the full interview, see the latest issue of the Celtic ViewThe latest 100-page edition of the Celtic View celebrating the Double winners and the first-time title-winning Celtic FC Women is out now and is available to buy in official Celtic stores and you can also order online NOW!And the magazine is packed with exclusive interviews, stories and features as both Hoops teams finished the season in trophy-winning style.Brendan Rodgers speaks exclusively to the View as do 2023/24 trophy-winning heroes, Callum McGregor, Joe Hart, Matt O’Riley, Cameron Carter-Vickers, Greg Taylor and Adam Idah.Elena Sadiku looks back at a fantastic season for Celtic FC Women, and is joined by skipper, Kelly Clark, goal-scorer, Amy Gallacher and long-term Celt, Chloe Craig.And there’s plenty more in your 100-page Double-winning Celtic View including the chance to WIN the new Celtic home kit and it's also the perfect reading material to pick up at the Glasgow Airport Celtic Store if you're flying off on your hols.The latest edition of the 100-page Double-winning Celtic View is out NOW and is available to buy in all official Celtic retail stores or to order onlineORDER THE VIEW ONLINEOFFICIAL CELTIC STORES

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